
Excavation and conservation of the theatre in 2016

November, 11 2016 | Ioannes Stobaeus


The fourth season of the Project for conservation and restoration of the theatre in Stobi was realized during the months of April, May and June. The archaeological excavation of the central circular corridor and the eastern radial corridor were conducted in April and May. The primary goal was to document the level from which the foundation of the building were set, the levels of construction, the levels of use and the levels of repair. Interesting discovery were the two pipelines with preserved ceramic tubes. These excavations finalized the investigation of the eastern half of the ima cavea (the lower segment of the auditorium) and next year the archaeologists will focus on the remains of the summa cavea (the upper part of the auditorium).


The excavations were followed by restoration of the vault above the central circular corridor in the extent of 30 metres. The restored part was destroyed when the theatre went out of use and the stones were reused in other buildings. The preserved part of the vault was repaired with injecting and its top surface was strengthened with carbon fiber wrap. The restoration of the vault opened the way for restoration of the bedding for the seats from 12 - 18 row.


At the same time with the excavations and the conservation, NI Stobi finalized the preparation of a Conservation project for the scene building of the theatre which is expected to start next year with the restoration of the most damaged remains.


The excavation of the theatre were directed by Goce Pavlovski from NI Stobi with the assistance of Dimitar Nikolovski from NI Stobi, Rade Atanasov from Museum of Kavadarci, Zamir Mehmedi from NI Stobi and Filip Vitanov - senior student of architecture. 


The project in 2016 was funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

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