National Institution for Management of the Archaeological Site of Stobi

The National Institution Stobi was founded with a Decree of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on 26.08.2008 (Decision No. 19-992/1) as an independent institution under the Ministry of Culture. It was officially registered on 17.12.2008.

The rights of the site management were transferred to the National Institution Stobi on 28.02.2009 (Decision of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia No. 19-893/1).

The National Institution Stobi was founded with the main goal to manage the archaeological site of Stobi, to take care of its excavation, conservation, presentation and popularization.

The archaeological site of Stobi is ownership of the Republic of Macedonia and it is a site of national interest considered as Protection category I (Decision No. 1038, 27.07.1950 and Decision No. 01-134/1, 21.01.1976 of the Institute for Protection of the Cultural Monuments of the R. of Macedonia).

In the period between 1970 and 1998 the site was in jurisdiction of the National Museum Veles and in 1998 the authorities were transferred to the Institute for Protection of the Cultural Monuments of the R. of Macedonia which is later renamed in National Conservation Centre.

SEE Mosaics


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