The archaeological excavations at the ancient town of Stobi, in 2009, were performed in 6 sectors and total area of 9900m2. Тhe project was directed by M.Phil Silvana Blaževska from NI Stobi and financed by the Macedonian Goverment. The Wheeler-Kenyon methodology applied to a wide area enables precise documentation of the cultural deposits from the Early Roman to the Early Byzantine periods. In addition to buildings, the excavations provided a large number of objects: 3568 coins, approximately 700 different metal objects, 150 terracotta figurines, glass, jewellery and hundreds of whole and fragmented ceramic vessels.


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1. In the Temple with Hypogeum, discovered for the first time in the year of 2008, both underground rooms were completely excavated. The inner surface of the walls is coated with thick layer of plaster. The temple was looted in the antiquity and “visited” again during the 19th century. In the surrounding area, numerous houses with several building phases, dated in the period between 4th and 6th century AD were discovered, along with one large structure firmly built of bricks and stones. Its excavation next year will complement the image of the town organization in its southeastern part during the Early Roman period.


The Temple sector was coordinated by Jovan Radnjanski from NI Stobi. 



2. The excavation in the ancient Theatre was carried out in the eastern half of the cavea and the scene building. During the 6th century AD, in the time when the theatre was not in use, houses were built between the radial walls. The large circular kiln found in the eastern part of the scene building points out that during 5th or early 6th century AD it was adjusted to a pottery workshop. Above the houses built on the perimeter wall of the theatre, the fallen apsidal wall of the Episcopal basilica was discovered along with two window impost capitals painted with monogram of Christ and a peacock. They have carved grapes, fish and crosses as well. The lower zone of the capital was gilded. Also, the skeleton of the theatre was revealed i.e. the radial walls, the two halls below the cavea and the mortar beddings for the marble seats.


The excavations of the Theatre were coordinated by Goce Pavlovski from NI Stobi. 



3. Most exciting in this year project was the excavation of the Western Cemetery in Stobi in front of the city gate Porta Heraclea. 84 graves in several strata, with different burial ritual and grave constructions, dated in the period between second half of the 2nd century BC and 4th century AD were discovered. Among the richest burials are the “Grave with 115 terracotta figurines”, “The urn grave” and “The grave of the lady” with abundance of grave offerings. In the time between 4th and 6th century AD, on the same area, the Late Antique suburbia of modest houses was built. Their remains were discovered above the cemetery.


Zlatko Kovancaliev from NI Stobi coordinated the Necropolis excavations.



4-5. The Early Byzantine town of Stobi from the second half of the 6th century AD was excavated across the Episcopal basilica and above the Semicircular Court. At an area of 4500 m2 the complete urban structure of the town was revealed, with the main street and houses on both sides, divided by narrow alleys and small squares. Most of the houses are built on top of earlier structures with many phases of rebuilding in different manners. The inventory in the houses speaks about the life in Stobi during the 6th century, before the city was abandoned. The Northwestern Fortification Wall with five square towers has been excavated in length of 324 m.


6. The Building with Arches (i.e. the Roman Forum) has been continuously excavated in the past five years. It gave attractive results in this years’ excavation, with its grandeur and the beautiful mosaics with geometrical motives (in the opus sectile technique) found in both of the apsidal rooms. The marble sculpture of Aphrodite, found in the large room, is a gift to the city from an unknown citizen of Stobi. It represents a real masterpiece of the Roman art from the 2nd century AD. The excavations were expanded north from the building, where a part of the city from the Late Antiquity was discovered, notable for its modest architecture.

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